Bheemadolu Shyamala

Shyamala is 14 years old and lives with her parents and sister. Her family is economically weak and her mother suffers a severe disability due to polio.

She first noticed something was wrong when she spotted pale patches of skin on her left leg. She suffered ‘foot drop’, a common indicator of leprosy and she was unable to walk. During a school survey activity carried about by National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP), Shyamala was diagnosed with multibacillary (MB) leprosy and immediately stated multi-drug therapy.

During her treatment, she was referred to LEPRA’s referral centre in Eluru city of Andhra Pradesh, where she came across a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist assessed her left leg weakness and taught her exercises to strengthen the muscles to be followed regularly. She also began a regime of steroid treatment.

Shyamala adhered to the instructed exercises and was soon able to walk properly and play outside with her friends.

Her parents were worried after her initial diagnosis that her life would be ruined by leprosy. Still, Shyamala has proven that this is not the case and is now living an ordinary life like any other child.