Barsha Singh

Barsha Singh is a 21-year-old and Rudranarayan Singh & Sangita Singh’s daughter residing at Rathipada, Berhampur Block, Sonepur. She is in studying graduation at Subalaya college under Berhampur block. She has one younger brother and one sister. Younger brother studying is in 12th grade, and sister is in 5th grade. Her mother is a housewife.

Her father is the only earning member of her family by doing the driving for 20 years. Previously, her father also purchased a four-wheeler with a bank loan. The family is dependent on the vehicle only. If he gets ill, it would be difficult for the family to run and pay the bank instalments. He wants his children to be educated, unlike him. He is unable to provide an excellent education to them because of financial constraints. In 2017, his son was detected with leprosy and was released from treatment after six months of treatment. When the LEPRA staff visited their home, they understood the daughter is likely to discontinue her education. The team explained the Oracle Chaha grant, and the parents were happy and decided to continue Barsha’s education.

Barsha was happy knowing about the education grant. Meanwhile, she learned to stitch and currently, she became a professional tailor. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, she faced many troubles with her education, making it difficult for her father to earn. She used to earn a minimal income by offering stitching services in the community.

Barsha wants to complete her graduation and become a teacher to support her family. She is happy that she will be able to help them soon. The whole family was thankful to LEPRA and Oracle for the support.